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Zaif Affiliate Program
We're sorry, but this service is currently suspended.The resumption of this service is currently pending. An announcement will be made before the service is restarted.
Zaif Affiliate Program
It a service that you can receive a bonus when your friend registers a Zaif account via your affiliate link. You can add the affliate link to Zaif in your own webpage, blog, mails, and SNS posts.
No worries even though you do have your own webpages or blogs, you can easily begin by introducing Zaif via Twitter, LINE, and e-mails.
*However, please make sure to read through the conditions and terms of use, and follow the terms.

ID Verification | It is a remuneration that enters when the introduced user completes all the identity verification procedures. | 1,500JPY |
Trade | It is a bonus that you will receive when your affiliateed user trades of an amount that is equivalent to 1,000,000 JPY within a month from the completion of postal identity verification. | 10,000JPY |
Enters coin reserve. | It is a bonus that you will receive when your affiliateed user's total amount of reserved coins is over 30,000 JPY and less than 150,000 JPY during the third withdraw after joining the Zaif Coin Reserve service. | 6,000JPY |
It is a bonus that you will receive when your affiliateed user's total amount of reserved coins is over 150,000 JPY and less than 300,000 JPY during the third withdraw after joining the Zaif Coin Reserve service. | 10,000JPY | |
It is a bonus that you will receive when your affiliateed user's total amount of reserved coins is over 300,000 JPY during the third withdraw after joining the Zaif Coin Reserve service. | 30,000JPY |
コイン積立は申し込み後毎月1日に引き落としがあり、アフィリエイト報酬を受け取るには、連続、または断続的にでも合計3ヶ月分の加入が必要になります。口座の引き落とし額が足りない等で引き落とし処理が行われなかった場合は、カウントされません。 Also, in the case of funding with bit coins, if you save 3 BTC or more and you are subscribing for coin reserve, subscribers can receive login gains bonus each day.
For details on how to use to coin reserve, please refer to Zaif's coin reserve.
How to join
You can join once you creat an account and complete the identity verification.
- Create account
- ID Verification
How to Use
"My Page” for the Zaif Affiliate Program is available for the registered users.
In My Page, banner for Zaif and affiliate links are available which you can copy and paste into your own webpages and blogs.
Also the number of registers via your afflliate links and bonus status can be checked in your My Page.
Bonus Payment
There are 2 different confirmation date for the bonus, which are the 15th of the month and the end of the month.
The bonus target that is counted between the 1st to 15th of the month, the confirmation will be on th 15th. It will be shown as "Under Preparation on Payment" in the "Affiliate Record" which can be checked in the "Affiliate Status".
The actual date which the bonus will be paid will be the 1st of the following month.
The bonus target that is counted between the 16th to end of the month, the confirmation will be on th 1st of the following month. It will be shown as "Under Preparation on Payment" in the "Affiliate Record" which can be checked in the "Affiliate Status".
The actual date which the bonus will be paid will be the 16th of the following month.
When "Invalid Payment" is shown is the status, this is usually regarding to the withdraw or unsubscription of the affiliated users, or violation against the terms of use.
Please read the terms of use and the important notice in order to use the service, and gain your friends without any over performance.
- It is only applied when the affiliated user reaches the aim for the first time.
- Please note that this is not applicable if you open a personal account and then another account.
- Please note that there will be no payment if the referred user quits immediately or is unable to receive email.
- When introduced, please do not alter the link in any way. If it is altered then the introduction will not be recognized.
- Please be aware that your bonus may be forfeited, forced to withdraw from out service without any notice in advance in case there had been a violation against the terms and conditions in the Zaif Affiliate Program.